When you go out with a guy for the first time, it is always a challenge. You do not know how to dress is the first dilemma. Coming off as sexy, and serene at the same time is always a tough line to walk.Somewhere up there, God must be always laughing at the continual joke that he foisted on the human race. The first date. Why is it so tough to get through? One problem of course is the choice of venue. If the guy is not forthcoming in where you are going, or if you are not sure how classy the place is, it is tough to dress for. I mean you are always trying to look sexy, but sexy for one venue might look a bit trashy in another. The main problem of course is that you do not know how well you are going to hit it off, and you may end up with the evening dragging on forever. Most of the time you will have decided in about twenty minutes that this is not going to work out, but you feel obligated to spend the rest of the date making nice. Especially if the poor sod has really put himself out for you. There are not many of us that can just tell someone that it is not going to work out and walk away within a few minutes. Most of us just sit there a stick it out, silently hoping that somehow things will improve. That is pretty much my problem.  I have trouble with confrontation or making any sort of scene in public. Usually, after a bad date, I just ignore them if they try to call. If they do not call me, I count my blessings while secretly fuming that he should have at least called so I could ignore him.

Do you want to know a good way to keep yourself happy on a dud date? Keep reading!

There are also times when you are already going out with someone and he runs into work associates and they spend all night talking shop. More likely to happen, and even worse in my mind, is him running into his pals and talking about sports all night. Aside from a game of pool, which I indulge in not so much because I am good, but because I can show off my amazing butt, I have little interest in sports or games of any type. Especially video games. Yuck!!  Listening to gamers talk for me is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Surely there is something more important to talk about. I am sorry for segueing into that topic, but as you can see it is a sore point with me. A real date killer!

My problem is that I was brought up to be forever polite, and being polite is part of who I am. As a consequence, I just cannot walk out of a bad date. So too many times I just sat there, bored out of my mind, and hoping the evening will just end.After all, if someone has bored me senseless, or even worse, ignored me all night, it is highly unlikely that I will make love to them. So when I go home, the rest of the evening is strictly about self-gratification as it were!

One night, I was being ignored and I got to thinking which device I would be using that night. I had just settled on my rabbit vibrator, when I had a thought.  I had been to a sex shop a couple of weeks before and had been looking at a pair of vibrating panties. At the time I could not imagine why I would want them because it just seemed to me that a vibrator would just do a better job. But all of a sudden, a potential use came to mind. The day after that particular date, I purchased a pair. I decided that the model with remote control would best meet my needs.

For my next date I wore my pulsating panties. As I thought, when we arrived at our local drinking establishment, my escort du jour ends up in a two hour discussion on the recent NFL draft or some such nonsense. After a few minutes I had had enough and decided to swing my vibrating unmentionables into action. It was amazing! Suddenly, I did not give a damn what they were talking about.  I sat on my stool in bliss, playing with the controls. I found out that I could time my release to occur when the more popular of the teams scored. That way, everyone thought I was really into the game.  A couple of times I miss timed it, but fortunately there was a close play on the screen each time, so most people assumed I was reacting to that. By the end of the evening I had it down to a science. Football was never so interesting to me before!

After that, I started to wear them on every date I go on, even now.  If the evening is going particularly well and I have not had to resort to my pleasure panties, it is pretty easy to hit the ladies room just before going home and remove them to avoid any embarrassment as we rip off each others clothes in preparation to tangling the sheets.

A short time later, I was in our weekly sales meeting listening to our management team preaching to us about quarterly targets, last quarter results, and new sales quotas. Needless to say, they were raising them again so that they could look good to their bosses. I was fighting off sleep and getting a migraine headache. I have never understood the purpose of such meetings. I mean, how are they supposed to help us get more sales. They never talk techniques or tactics, they only put pressure on us! It would be a lot better if they put as much time into market research so they could build better products that consumers would want more.  I am digressing here. I started to daydream, then sort of had a flashback to the previous Saturday night when my boyfriend and his pals ignored me most of the night. They were spewing similar nonsense, but I did not care because I had on my magic pants. And then the thought crossed my mind, why not deal with this the same way I deal with a date? The following week, I tried it out for the first time.  Suddenly, the meeting took on a whole new meaning for me. At that moment, I was really happy that I had bought the top of the line model of panties because they were so quiet nobody knew what I was doing! Before long, I was wearing them every day. This meant that I needed a drawer full of play panties, but they were the best investment I ever made. I mean, after all, they changed my whole outlook on working.  All the people at work now remark how is it that I am always smiling and never seem to get upset about anything anymore.  So I sit there smugly. They cannot figure out the source of the turnaround. My new nickname at work is Cheshire Cat!

More fun advice stories can be found at the link below:

Relationships Advice For Women


    Hi there, my name is Betty, I'm 31  married with 3 children, and a great husband..I enjoy cooking, baking, hiking,camping,fishing,bike riding,horseback riding,writing and spending time with my family.


    June 2012

